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Ready To Know Yourself Deeply and
Re-create Your Life From Possibility?

Inside this 12 week holding you will enter a deep field of healing. One in which you will be invited to know yourself deeper and begin to dissolve the beliefs and behaviours that keep you stuck in your life, gifting you choice on who you want to be and how you want to create your life.


The definition of Sanctuary is a refuge or safety from pursuit. Here I want to offer you a space to find solace, not from pursuit of the outside world, but to begin to surrender what you find yourself tirelessly pursuing. A space to rest from the endless pursuit and problem solving, of trying to be better, more perfect, happier, more successful, thinner, less worried, less anxious, more in control, more connected or simply having your needs met without resentment and guilt.


For you to become present and aware of who you thought you have to be in the world to find love and to return to the knowing that you are Love. 



  • Maybe you are tired of always feeling not enough and you want to feel like you are ready to take on the world

  • Maybe everything you try, you feel like you keep finding yourself right back in the same position and you want to create a life full of love, desire and joy 

  • Maybe you have a sense that somewhere inside you, you are meant for more, more of everything and yet you just can't quite grasp it and you want to be able to grow unbounded into who you are meant to be

  • Maybe you are always looking for something to fulfil you outside of yourself and are ready to find that within you


       Maybe you're wondering if the life you want is even possible for you? 


      It is and you are in the right space!



I have spent 100's of hours working with Human Beings to support them and hold a space for them to dissolve the attachment to the beliefs and behaviours that keep them stuck and their life stagnant. Each of them always trying to find a better, new way of living and keep finding themselves unhappy, unfulfilled and living a repeated pattern that isn't serving them, one sometimes they can't even see. 

Like you, they were stuck, wanting and knowing deeply there is another way of living and yet it always felt just out of reach.

I am here as proof and to share that there is a new way of Being, a 'freerer' way to live and you can absolutely access it.

It is my purpose for you to embody freedom and life because you are you and you deserve it.

How would it feel to ...





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Enjoy relationships in your life that feel nourishing on all levels and allow you to feel connected?
Begin to create space in your BodyMind & Breath that holds joy, happiness and liberation from the stuckness of life? 
Be held in a healing space where you will clear stuck and stagnant ways of Being and begin to create the life you want?
Find rest beyond  incessant worry or anxiety that follows you around?
A feeling of coming home to who you are and have always been, where you can access the joy and happiness that always have seemed out of reach? 
All of this is possible for you, in fact, infinitely possible. 

My clients are living proof, and you can be too.

Here is how it works...



  • 3 sessions held every month for 3 months

  • 2 Conscious Connected Breathwork sessions held every month and one Coaching circle

  • Working with you on 3 deep levels- BodyMind and Breath- To release what is keeping you stuck in the past so you can build a future you want

  • 9 group sessions over 3 months

  • The Dates:

  • 19th of May, 26th of May and the 2nd of June @8pm BST

  • 16th of June, 23rd of June and the 30th of June @8pm BST

  • 14th of July, the 21st of July and the 25th of July @8pm BST

My  Method


In my experience working with 100's of Human Beings, and my own experience of breaking through the stories and habits that create repeating patterns in our lives that don't create the life that we want, is that we cannot work on the mind and thoughts alone.


You are a whole being, BodyMind and Breath and so I have spent years discovering and unearthing (through many mentors on the way) a supportive and life changing approach to creating enough space for you to see beyond the thoughts and feelings that drive beliefs and behaviours about ourselves and the world.


I invite you to work with me on 3 deep levels, Body, Mind and Breath to release and surrender what you are ready to outgrow, so that you may begin to create a new way of Being.


A way of living, driven by who you truly are, not stories that were formed in the past, held in your whole being. 

Usual Value

3* Group Coaching Sessions- £600

6* Group Breathwork Sessions- £600

Total Value- £1200


Sanctuary 3 Month Holding
3* Group Coaching Sessions
6* Group Breathwork Sessions 
The Sanctuary Offer - £250
(Enrolment now open for May 2024 )


A Small Note from my heart to yours...

I remember how scary it can be to take a step towards a different life. Eventhough your current way of being isn't what you want, because it is familiar it can sometimes feel safer. I want to invite you to leap anyway, to trust yourself and life enough to know that you will be caught by something way bigger than what you could have ever imagined. 

The old way is to work only on the mind, I am inviting the possibility that you are more, you are whole and through working with these 3 deep layers of your being you can begin to surrender your old ways, in service of what you really want.

So jump with me.
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